Saturday 28 May 2011

Away we go

It's 11:30 the night before I leave, and I am pretty much all packed.

This is a miracle of epic proportions.

My usual packing routine for a long trip begins about a couple hours before I'm supposed to leave for the airport. This is not ideal. As most reasonable people know. This time, I refuse to fall prey to my bad habit. At least, I hope that's the case, and that I don't wake up tomorrow and realize I forgot ALL the important things.

What does one bring to Africa? Perhaps the fact that I have no idea is the reason for my efficient packing. I'm taking simple, light clothes, sturdy shoes, several books, and plenty of shampoo (I have an ongoing complex about running out of shampoo. Call it my tragic flaw.) But I don't know what I'll meet when I land in Entebbe. I have an idea, but I still can't imagine myself standing in the sun on a dusty red road halfway across the world. Soon enough, though, I won't have to try.

I'm not worried, just eager. I want to be there, right now. But first, I have to take an overnight flight to London, wait out a 14-hour layover, and then take another overnight flight to Entebbe. I leave on Sunday and arrive on Tuesday. I'm sure I will be absolutely stunning come Tuesday morning.

My site partner, Curtis, has never been to London, so we decided to explore the city during our layover. I can't believe I'm going back already, even for a few hours. When I left  in December, I thought it would be years, decades, before I'd see it again. I thought it would be years before I left the country again. But now I'm leaving. I'll miss America this summer (American summertime is magic, as far as I'm concerned), and I'll miss my family and friends dearly, but I am so very excited for this opportunity. It still hasn't hit me all the way.

With that, I'm going to sleep, or to lie in my bed and attempt to slow my thoughts. I'll see you on the other side.